notdead 1974

1974 generative artwork created with digital painting.
Notdead 1974 is divided into four categories of different eras;
- Valhalla (ancient warriors)
- New World (1800s and 1900s)
- Born to Die (modern wars)
- Blade runner (cyberpunk)

The collection includes many 1/1s with unique traits, as well as animated artwork (gifs).
The initial inspiration comes from the Genuine Undead world, I am a lover and owner,
I love that world and deliberately inserted traits that can be traced back to them, I also added many new traits.
I thank all of you friends who follow me and support me.
Rise and shine.

the "not" artist

The solitary and anti-social nature always pushed me to have the need to create my own worlds,
contaminated by what I watched or read.
I love drawing and telling stories through images,
it's not a job, it's not a hobby, it's just a passion.
Sincerely, Shepherd Vito.
